Rhabdomyolysis battle: How a spin class left beauty influencer Sofea Shra hospitalised

Her decision to accompany a friend to a spin class quickly led to a medical emergency.

18 Sep 2024 04:08pm
 Sofea Shra - Instagram (@sofeashra)
Sofea Shra - Instagram (@sofeashra)

SHAH ALAM – Physical exercise is key to maintaining a healthy body and overall well-being as it strengthens muscles, boosts energy levels and helps prevent various health issues.

However, even beneficial habits like exercise can present unexpected risks if not approached with caution.

Beauty influencer Sofea Shra never imagined that her decision to join a spin class would land her in the hospital for five days, battling a serious condition called rhabdomyolysis.

In a recent Instagram post, she shared her experience with her followers, together with the full experiences and stories and pictures revealing how the intense workout led to her health crisis.

“Probably one of the scariest things that I had to go through. I was hospitalised for five days due to Rhabdomyolysis.

“Thank you so much to everyone that constantly checks up on me everyday and those who kept me in your prayers all these while. I hope everyone is in the pink of health,” her caption read on Monday.

In a recent Instagram post, Sofea shared her experience with her followers, together with the full experiences and stories and pictures revealing how the intense workout led to her health crisis. - Instagram (@sofeashra)
In a recent Instagram post, Sofea shared her experience with her followers, together with the full experiences and stories and pictures revealing how the intense workout led to her health crisis. - Instagram (@sofeashra)

Recalling the incident, Sofea, widely known for her beauty content and strong social media presence, agreed to accompany a friend to a spin class, seeing it as an opportunity to try something new.

However, this decision quickly led to a medical emergency.

In a post, she detailed how she jumped into the class without any prior research on the intensity of the exercise.

After the class, she experienced what she thought was typical muscle soreness in her thighs but, as hours passed, the pain became so severe that it kept her awake at night.

Her concern grew when she posted a tweet joking about her ‘dying legs’ only to receive an alarming response from a spin instructor, who urged her to get checked for rhabdomyolysis, commonly known as rhabdo.

“Hi Sofea. Spin instructor here. Please get yourself checked ASAP because normal sore would take max two days to sooth down. Else, it could be rhabdo, which can lead to dialysis for the rest of your life,” the instructor warned in the reply on X shared by Sofea.

Alarmed by this, Sofea began researching the symptoms of rhabdomyolysis, which include dark-coloured urine, muscle weakness and fatigue.

After noticing her urine matched the tea-coloured description, she sought medical advice from several doctors.

Despite one dismissing her concerns, Sofea trusted her instincts and persisted.

"I went to the hospital and told the doctor I needed my CK (creatine kinase) levels and urine checked. The third doctor finally agreed to do a blood test and when I got my results, I wanted to be wrong so badly but my CK levels were off the charts.

“Normal CK levels are less than 300, but mine was at 55,000,” she added.

Her dangerously high CK levels confirmed the diagnosis, leading to immediate hospitalisation.

Doctors warned that any delay in treatment could have resulted in total organ failure.

Over the next few days, her CK levels peaked at 61,000 before gradually decreasing due to intensive hydration and rest.

During her stay, Sofea's mother, initially sceptical of the diagnosis, stayed by her side and learned that rhabdomyolysis is, in fact, quite common in intense spin workouts.

Spin classes, often conducted in dim environments with loud music, cold air conditioning and high energy could cause participants to push beyond their limits, ignoring the signs of fatigue until it’s too late.

Now on the road to recovery, Sofea expressed immense gratitude to everyone who supported her throughout the ordeal.

Reflecting on the entire experience, Sofea said that it taught her a valuable lesson about the importance of health and how easily it can be taken for granted.

"If there’s one thing I’ve learned from all this, it’s that health truly is wealth. You never realise what you have until it’s gone. I couldn’t use my legs properly for a week, and it made me so much more grateful for even the little things,” she added.

Sofea has since been discharged from the hospital and is slowly regaining her strength. She recently shared a photo of herself taking a walk, with the caption, "#BabySteps," reminding her followers to always listen to their bodies and take things one step at a time, both in fitness and in life.

Sofea's case highlights the potential risks associated with high-intensity workouts for beginners and emphasises the importance of understanding one's fitness level before engaging in strenuous activities.