A carnival under the stars: Celebrating meteor showers in Lenggong, Perak

This meteor shower is a stargazer’s dream, delivering up to 10 meteors an hour.

14 Sep 2024 01:30pm
The meteor shower site.
The meteor shower site.

We’ve all heard of meteor showers, but how often do we actually get to see them? For city dwellers, the dazzling light display of the cosmos is often drowned out by the glow of streetlights.

But once a year, in the rural heart of Malaysia, the sky transforms into a canvas for one of nature’s most awe-inspiring shows—the Perseid Meteor Shower. This year, from Aug 11 - 13, the Astronomy Carnival in Lenggong, Perak, turned this celestial wonder into a festival of cosmic proportions.


The Astronomy Carnival was nothing short of magical, designed to immerse everyone—from curious kids to seasoned star-watchers—in the beauty and mystery of the night sky. With excitement buzzing, people gathered under the wide, open skies of Lenggong, eagerly awaiting the cosmic fireworks display known as the Perseids.

This meteor shower is a stargazer’s dream, delivering up to 10 meteors an hour. As the sky darkened, participants braced for the ultimate light show—radiant streaks of meteorites zipping across the sky.

Tasik Raban Lenggong (right)
Tasik Raban Lenggong (right)


But the Astronomy Carnival was much more than a meteor shower—it was an all-encompassing celestial celebration. Before the stars took centre stage, the event offered a range of activities that brought science, history, and a little bit of magic together.

By day, participants could attend workshops on astrophotography, learning how to capture the night sky in all its glory. But Lenggong has a rich history that reaches far beyond astronomy.

One highlight was a fascinating talk by a National Planetarium representative about Perak Man, a skeletal figure unearthed in Lenggong Valley.

Dating back over 11,000 years, Perak Man is Malaysia’s window into ancient history, blending archaeology with the cosmic theme of the event.

And what’s a meteor festival without visiting the place where a meteor struck the Earth millions of years ago?

Participants embarked on guided trips to explore GeoPark in Lenggong, a site where a meteorite hit 1.8 million years ago, and visited the Lenggong Archaeological Museum to delve into Malaysia’s prehistoric past. It wasn’t just an astronomy festival—it was a journey through time and space.

Participants boarded boats to cruise along Tasik Raban and Sungai Perak.
Participants boarded boats to cruise along Tasik Raban and Sungai Perak.


The first night of the carnival took things to the next level. Participants boarded boats to cruise along Tasik Raban and Sungai Perak. Although meteor showers were not visible that night due to the clouds, the evening was capped with an authentic ala kampung feast prepared by local villagers.

There’s something special about enjoying traditional food under the stars, even when the universe isn’t putting on its usual show.


The second night of the carnival was the grand finale. Bean bags and lawn chairs were spread out under the sky as everyone gathered for the peak of the Perseid meteor shower. The excitement was electric, and as the countdown began, participants looked up with anticipation.

Each time a meteor streaked across the sky, cheers and applause filled the air, with participants clapping to signal to others when they spotted one.

For many, the experience was deeply moving—a reminder of our tiny place in the vast universe. Watching meteors burn up in Earth’s atmosphere was both humbling and magical.


The Meteor Showers Carnival is more than just an event—it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience that connects us to the mysteries of the universe.

Whether you’re a dedicated astronomy enthusiast or simply someone seeking a rare and unforgettable adventure, this carnival offers a chance to break free from your everyday routine. Just look up, and feel a sense of wonder.

Missed out on this year’s carnival? Don’t worry! Another spectacular cosmic event awaits in December. Follow GoSkyAdventures on Instagram to stay updated and make sure you catch the next festival under the stars.

Wan Azfarozza is a communication and media lecturer at a local university. Her quest to discover new cultures and people led to her passion to travel and share her experiences through her writings in various media outlets.