Child-free by choice: Trendy lifestyle or religious dilemma?

While some support the concept, others remain unconvinced, keeping the issue a hot topic of discussion.

14 Sep 2024 11:00am
Child-free by choice: Trendy lifestyle or religious dilemma?
Child-free by choice: Trendy lifestyle or religious dilemma?

The topic of being 'childfree' continues to be a point of discussion among both the younger and older generations, who weigh its pros and cons and question its relevance in today's society.

While some support the concept, others remain unconvinced, keeping the issue a hot topic of discussion.

According to Islamic preacher Da’i Izzhar Nazri, the difference between being childless and child-free is that a childless person is married and desires children but hasn't had any yet, while being child-free is a deliberate choice to forgo parenthood.

He said that this concept, which originated in Europe in the 1970s and is advocated by the National Non-Parental Organisation, is gaining popularity and may influence Generation Z (Gen Z), who are increasingly imagining a life of travel and freedom without parenting responsibilities.

“In Islam, the purpose of marriage is twofold, one is to uphold mutual honour and to continue the lineage and heritage.

“Nabi Muhammad SAW advised us to seek loving and fertile women, emphasising that he prefers his Ummah to be the largest among the nations of the Prophets on the Day of Judgment,” he advised during the panel discussion at the Borak Bibir Merah programme held at Karangkraf Media Complex recently.

Izzhar added that Generation Z's reluctance to have children is influenced by economic factors, career concerns, and the perceived challenge of raising a child.

However, he emphasised that becoming a parent can lead to personal growth and maturity, saying how many people discover their strength and commitment through parenting.

He also highlighted that many who choose a child-free lifestyle often view children as burdens or worry about insufficient resources. Izzhar emphasised that Allah addressed this concern 1400 years ago, stating that we should not kill our children due to fears about provision because Allah is the ultimate provider.

From left: Nabila Razali, Bella Astillah, and Da’i Izzhar Nazri during the Borak Bibir Merah programme. PHOTO: Sinar Harian/Rosli Talib.
From left: Nabila Razali, Bella Astillah, and Da’i Izzhar Nazri during the Borak Bibir Merah programme. PHOTO: Sinar Harian/Rosli Talib.

"Muslims should not view themselves as the sole providers for their children; instead, all sustenance comes from Allah. Our work and success today may well be the blessings granted to us through our children,” he added.

Therefore, he said having a child is a significant opportunity for Allah to bestow His blessings upon us.

Meanwhile, actress Rozita Che Wan shared that having children drives mothers to excel, drawing from her own experience as a single mother for ten years.

"My journey to where I am now is driven by my child; his desire for a better home pushed me to overcome challenges and build a better life.

“When faced with separation and financial strain, it was my son's aspirations and our shared determination that motivated me to stand strong and strive for more,” she said during the discussion.

Despite financial challenges, Rozita said she worked hard, including taking on jobs like beading, to ensure her children received the best, paying RM5,000 a month for their schooling. She emphasised that becoming a parent ignites a strong motivation to overcome difficulties and provide for one’s children.

Monocort, featuring vocalist Ezi Shah (left), drummer Ery (centre), and saxophonist Khai Saxo (right), provided musical accompaniment for the Borak Bibir Merah segment. PHOTO SINAR HARIAN/ ROSLI TALIB.
Monocort, featuring vocalist Ezi Shah (left), drummer Ery (centre), and saxophonist Khai Saxo (right), provided musical accompaniment for the Borak Bibir Merah segment. PHOTO SINAR HARIAN/ ROSLI TALIB.

"When you have children, as a mother, you strive to do your best. You rise above challenges and set aside your own struggles for the sake of your children," she added.

The talk show Borak Bibir Merah Eksklusif with Rozita Che Wan, presented by Sinar Harian and Sinar Plus, explored topics such as early marriage and the child-free lifestyle.

Hosted by Rozita, the show featured popular panellists including actress and singer Bella Astillah, and Nabila Razali, as well as religious insight from Izzhar. The programme was further enlivened by performances from the music group Monocort.

Beyond its casual talk show format, this programme included engaging games and discussions on trending issues with well-known celebrities.