Wedding bells and ballots: A day to remember for bride

17 Aug 2024 01:16pm
Bride Atikah Abdul Ghani casts her vote in the Nenggiri by-election, on her wedding day, today.
Bride Atikah Abdul Ghani casts her vote in the Nenggiri by-election, on her wedding day, today.

GUA MUSANG - Amidst the excitement of her wedding day, bride Atikah Abdul Ghani took time to cast her vote at the Nenggiri by-election on her big day, today.

The 25-year-old woman said she had planned her wedding months in advance, but when she discovered that her wedding date coincided with the polling day, she was surprised.

She said it was a unique twist to her special day.

"Alhamdulillah, my husband and I were married this morning.

"Now we are waiting for the wedding reception this afternoon and I took a quick detour here to vote for our representative," she told reporters.

Bride Atikah Abdul Ghani, accompanied by her newlywed husband to cast her vote in the Nenggiri by-election, today.
Bride Atikah Abdul Ghani, accompanied by her newlywed husband to cast her vote in the Nenggiri by-election, today.

Despite the unexpected overlap of her wedding and polling day causing some disruption, Atikah said the day was still filled with joy.

She added that she had briefly considered rescheduling the wedding, but with all arrangements in place, changing the date was simply not an option.

Instead, they decided to make the best of the situation.

Meanwhile, her husband Mohamed Hafizuddin, 25, shared in the lightheartedness of the situation the irony of their wedding day coinciding with the election.

"It wasn’t us who chose this date over the voting day; it was the voting day that chose our wedding date," he jokingly said.

Their wedding day, marked by this unique occurrence will certainly be remembered as a special and eventful occasion for the couple.