Influencer Marketing Boom: Ethics, Trust and Authenticity in Malaysia

Social media celebrities who have amassed enormous followings have evolved into highly effective marketing tools for companies.

01 Aug 2024 11:56am
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The increasing popularity of influencer marketing in Malaysia mirrors as a global craze.

Social media celebrities who have amassed enormous followings have evolved into highly effective marketing tools for companies. There has been a rise in customer trust, sales, and brand awareness. They are commonly engaged on many social media sites including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

However, it is crucial to note that there are ethical complications that are present in this environment that appears to be dazzling. This article highlights the Malaysian influencer marketing, transparency, authenticity, and consumer impact.

The Influence of Persuasion: The Traps of Trust

The foundation of influencer marketing is trust. Consumers establish connections with influencers that extend beyond the virtual environment.

This trust makes individuals receptive to persuasion, blurring the borders between endorsements and paid marketing. The extent of the persuasive power that influencers possess is highlighted by the fact that Malaysian consumers place a high level of trust in recommendations made by influencers.

Malaysia has more than 28.68 million active social media users, according to Meltwater's analysis on Social Media Statistic as of May 2024. These users have a strong affinity for local content. Because of this, it's possible for well-known people to endorse things, which can greatly influence consumers.

Transparency: A Cloudy Setting

The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has published guidelines that mandate influencers to disclose sponsored content. Nevertheless, the efficacy of these guidelines continues to be a matter of concern.

This lack of transparency erodes consumer confidence and prompts fear regarding ads that are misleading. Hence, it is crucial for all entities engaged in influencer marketing to comply with disclosure standards and provide transparent communication with their audience.

Authenticity in Violation: The Illusion of Perfection

Authenticity, the fundamental principle of influencer marketing, is frequently scrutinised. It is possible for influencers to feel under pressure to recommend things that do not truly reflect their opinions or experiences, which could result in endorsements that lack authenticity.

For example, Instagram is renowned for its curated reality, which is frequently heavily edited to highlight "perfect" lifestyles and flawless products.

Certain social influencers have faced criticism for endorsing items that they neither utilise nor genuinely support. This has the potential to diminish an influencer's impact over time and cause damage to their reputation.

Going Above as Influencers: The Ethical Duties

Influencers are obliged to uphold an ethical standard in their interactions with their audience. Some examples of what is encompassed here are:

- Engaging in the promotion of products that they genuinely endorse

- Their principles and experiences should come through in the endorsements. Trust and authenticity are fostered when brands coincide with their interests.

- Acknowledging and being transparent about sponsorships.

- Transparency is the utmost. Stay away from unclear captions or hidden hashtags; make disclosures clear and easy to see.

- Preventing the use of deceitful or misleading tactics. This includes making fake claims about their experiences, using misleading images, or exaggerating the benefits of a product.

Ensuring Consumer Protection: A Joint Commitment

Not only influencers are responsible for doing ethical influencer marketing. Additionally, brands play an important part:

- Collaborating with influencers who have the same brand values: A more credible and authentic message that resonates with consumers is achieved by selecting influencers who authentically represent the brand.

- Offering clear instructions on disclosure: Brands should clearly explain sponsored content disclosure. This shields the brand and influencer from legal issues.

- Focusing on ethical marketing and transparency.

- Establishing trust with consumers through truthful and transparent marketing strategies is crucial for achieving enduring brand success.

Thus in conclusion influencer marketing in Malaysia, similar to its global counterparts, flourishes based on the fundamental principles of trust, transparency, and authenticity. With the rapid growth of influential personalities on social media, it is crucial for both influencers and brand to carefully traverse the ethical terrain.

Following transparency requirements and ensuring authentic endorsements not only maintain consumer trust but also improve the overall efficacy of marketing endeavours. Through cultivating genuine connections and upholding moral principles, influencers can appropriately utilise their persuasive power, while brands can establish enduring relationships with their target audiences.

In the ever-changing digital marketplace, the adherence to ethical principles in influencer marketing will ultimately protect consumer interests and sustainability of brand success in the dynamic digital marketplace.

Dr Nik Syuhailah Nik Hussin is the Senior Lecturer at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan and a member of Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). Whilst, Associate Professor Ts Dr Zuraimi Abdul Aziz is currently Director of Strategic Plan & Risk Centre of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Both can be reached at [email protected] and [email protected]. The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of Sinar Daily.

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