14 videos vanish from Terengganu Menteri Besar's account

Terengganu MB loses videos promoting development and unity

19 Jul 2024 04:25pm
Ahmad Samsuri - File photo
Ahmad Samsuri - File photo

KUALA TERENGGANU - A total of 14 videos from the TikTok account of Terengganu Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar were allegedly deleted without prior notice.

His Press Secretary Mohd Nasir Razab reported that most of the videos, which had high view counts on the social media platform, have been removed since January this year.

"The first video deleted from the Menteri Besar's social media account was an interview with Aunty Amy Chua, which was noticed missing from TikTok on January 20.

"Following that, videos began disappearing one by one without any warning.

"The most recent deletion occurred on July 12, involving a video about the inauguration of Malaysia's Largest Solar Park," he said today.

Nasir clarified that all the deleted videos did not contain elements related to religion, race, or royalty (3R) that could be deemed sensitive or disruptive to societal harmony.

Instead, the content focused on conveying messages of development and unity by the Terengganu government for the benefit of the people.

He stressed that the videos aimed to strengthen community bonds by showcasing the state's development and unity efforts.

"As a responsible social media platform, TikTok must ensure that content adhering to guidelines and not violating any regulations is allowed to be shared with the public.

"The deletion of these videos is not only unwarranted but also undermines the principle of freedom of speech," he added.

Nasir indicated that further action has been taken on this issue.

He said the deletion decision needs to be reviewed to ensure that content adhering to guidelines and not breaching regulations remains available to the public.

"We have reported this issue using TikTok's provided link and sent an official letter to TikTok Singapore on July 2.

"We have sent a letter to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) yesterday (Thursday) requesting an immediate explanation from the platform," he said.