Accused of generating child pornography on patients, medical doctor claims trial - Here's what we know

23 Feb 2024 10:39am
The medical doctor, Dr Anas Ramli, 32 pleaded not guilty in the Sessions Court yesterday to six charges of producing pornography and sexually assaulting children.
Photo source: Bernama
The medical doctor, Dr Anas Ramli, 32 pleaded not guilty in the Sessions Court yesterday to six charges of producing pornography and sexually assaulting children. Photo source: Bernama

SHAH ALAM - Recently, a disturbing case took place in Kemaman that strikes the heart of every parent's worst nightmare, where a trusted medical doctor stands accused in the Chukai Sessions Court of heinous crimes.

The 32-year old medical doctor named Dr Anas Ramli pleaded not guilty in the Sessions Court yesterday to six charges of producing pornography and sexually assaulting children.

The defendent is presently employed at a government hospital in Kuantan, Pahang but according to his Malaysian Medical Council's registration it states Hospital Kemaman. Based on data from the council's Medical Register Information and Technical System, he graduated with a bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery from a university in Egypt with the date of full registration to the council in 2022.

What happened and what are the charges?

Between the end of Dec 2022 and the end of Jan 2023 he had allegedly missused his position as a caregiver by exploiting six of children, who were his patients.

Based on five charges under Section 5 of the Sexual Offenses Against Children (SOAC) Act 2017 read together with Section 16(1) of the same act, the accused is alleged to have produced child pornography in the form of pictures against five children aged between seven and 11 years old by using a mobile phone while treating his patients.

For the next charge, the accused is charged under Section 14(a) of the Sexual Offenses Against Children Act 2017 and read together with Section 16(1) of the same act which is to have deliberately committed physical sexual abuse by touching the breast of a 12-year-old child.

The act was allegedly committed by the accused in the ward treatment room at Kemaman Hospital on Feb 8, 2023.

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Facing the charges, Dr Anas could foresee his life behind bars with penalties up to 30 years, including caning.

Session Court's response

During the proceedings, deputy public prosecutor Syairah Mohamad Razali requested the court to impose bail of RM20,000 for each charge with one surety and for his passport to be surrendered to the court.

Dr Anas' lawyer Faizal Rahman, appealed for a lower sum, citing that the total sum of RM120,000 was too substantial for an individual who has been a civil servant for only four years.

Judge Wan Suhaila subsequently allowed bail at RM5,000 for each charge with one surety and approved the additional conditions proposed by the prosecution, including surrendering his passport and mandatory monthly check-ins at the local police station.

Magistrates Court for Possesing Porn in Phone

Meanwhile, at the Magistrates Court, the same defendant also pleaded not guilty to a charge of possessing explicit images on his mobile phone where he allegedly committed it in the operating theatre of the same hospital between 7.30am and 10am on Nov 1, 2022.

This charge was framed under Section 292 of the Penal Code, which is punishable by up to three years imprisonment, or a fine, or both upon conviction.

Magistrate Sharifah Armida Shasha Amir allowed the accused bail of RM3,500 with one surety and ordered him not to approach the victims and witnesses until the conclusion of the case.

Both courts scheduled March 21 for the submission of documents by the prosecution team. The accused's sister, who was present at the proceedings, paid the bailed not guilty in the Magistrate's Court on Thursday to one charge of possessing pornographic images stored in a mobile phone.

Based on the charge under Section 292 of the Penal Code, the accused is alleged to have possessed pornographic images stored in a mobile phone.

The act was allegedly carried out by the accused in the Operating Room of Kemaman Hospital between 7.30 am and 10am on last Nov 1.

The court allowed the accused to be bailed at RM3,500 and being subject to additional conditions to not disturb the victim and other prosecution witnesses until the case is completed.

Both courts set next March 21 for the submission of documents.

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