We want permanent ceasefire, says Palestinian ambassador on temporary truce

22 Nov 2023 07:41pm
Palestinian Ambassador to Malaysia Walid Abu Ali - BERNAMA
Palestinian Ambassador to Malaysia Walid Abu Ali - BERNAMA
KUALA LUMPUR - The main priority is on achieving a permanent ceasefire and establishing an immediate humanitarian corridor into Gaza, said Palestinian Ambassador to Malaysia Walid Abu Ali, in response to the Israel-Hamas four-day truce in Gaza.

He called for international pressure on Israel to halt its aggression against Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, asserting that the Israeli government shows no inclination to cease its atrocities against Palestinians.

"This morning, they were invading Tulkarem in the northern occupied West Bank. So the Israeli attacks are targeting all Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. They believe that the only good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian.

"It's (United States President) Joe Biden's government who should stop (Israeli Prime Minister) Benjamin Netanyahu from killing those innocent Palestinians," he told Bernama.

He said this when receiving a courtesy call from the Malaysian National News Agency (Bernama) Chairman Datuk Seri Wong Chun Wai at the Palestinian Embassy, here Wednesday.

The Israeli government and Hamas agreed to a prisoner exchange deal early Wednesday under a deal brokered by Qatar.

Anadolu Agency citing the Israeli Broadcasting Authority, reported that after around six hours of debating, a deal was approved by the Israeli Cabinet under which 50 Israelis consisting of children, mothers, and elderly women held by Hamas in Gaza will be released. In return, there will be a four-day ceasefire.

The ceasefire will be extended for every 10 additional Israelis released by Hamas.

The Qatari Foreign Ministry said the start time of the pause will be announced within the next 24 hours and it is initially set to last for four days, with the possibility of extension.
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"Benjamin Netanyahu's main concern is to release the hostages, as he called them. I call them prisoners not hostages because there are 7,000 Palestinians in the Israeli prison.

"Why are the 200 Israelis in Hamas custody important for Benjamin Netanyahu, but the 7,000 Palestinians are not important? This is the question they need to know," said Walid.

The ambassador underscored the indivisibility of humanity, decrying the unjust treatment from the international community. He asserted that Palestinians possess the legitimate right to resist the Israeli occupation.

Additionally, he called upon the international community to press Israel into creating a secure humanitarian corridor for the displaced Palestinians in Gaza, especially considering the approaching winter.

Walid drew attention to the nearly 1.5 million Palestinians who have been forced to evacuate their homes, relocating to Gaza's southern region. These displaced individuals now confront severe weather conditions and homelessness.

"The international community must force Israel to allow humanitarian corridor and to allow external aids like medicine, water, food, fuel and all basic humanitarian needs into Gaza," he added.

At least 14,128 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli relentless attacks on Gaza since Oct 7, including 5,600 children and 3,500 women.

Additionally, 218 Palestinians were reported killed in the West Bank.

The ambassador also advised Malaysians to channel their contributions to the Palestinian cause through a legitimate bank account that is managed by the Malaysian Foreign Ministry (Wisma Putra) and not through other third parties.

"At the moment, Wisma Putra is the sole authorised entity allowed to send humanitarian aid to Gaza through the Egyptian Red Crescent and Palestinian Red Crescent. Don't pay to the embassy directly," he said.

He said Malaysians who are concerned can also extend their support to Palestinians in this country, particularly students who have lost contact with their families in Gaza.

"Their families can no longer sponsor them, they are now self-financing," he explained, noting that some universities have initiated projects to aid Palestinian students facing financial hardship.

Currently, there are 4,000 Palestinians in Malaysia, among whom 1,000 are pursuing studies - BERNAMA

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