Budget 2024: Kelantan police to repair over 40 dilapidated premises

17 Oct 2023 06:33pm
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KOTA BHARU - Over 40 delapidated police premises in Kelantan will be repaired through the RM2.4 billion allocation announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim during Budget 2024 last Friday.

Kelantan Police Chief Datuk Muhamad Zaki Harun said the announcement was like a windfall for his department, especially in building, maintaining and refurbishing quarters of police personnel.

"The Kelantan Police will set up five monitoring teams based on zones to look into the matter and hope that the information can be collected by November.

"We hope that all dilapidated police premises can be repaired so that every member and family is more comfortable and can provide the best service," he said.

He said this to reporters after launching the Kelantan CLASS (Clean, Loyalty, Action Oriented, Systematic, Solidarity) contingent as an effort to strengthen the members' duties throughout the state.
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The RM2.4 billion allocated was also to build, maintain and refurbish civil servant quarters including those occupied by PDRM members. - BERNAMA