Empowering youth through the 2023 Warisan Bangsa Festival

14 Oct 2023 06:02pm
Datuk Muhammad Nasir Hamzah - Photo by Nuratikah Athilya Hassan
Datuk Muhammad Nasir Hamzah - Photo by Nuratikah Athilya Hassan

SHAH ALAM - The 2023 Warisan Bangsa Festival serves as an excellent starting point for introducing the community, especially the younger generation, who may be less familiar with the nation's history and culture.

Karangkraf Group's Joint Advisor, Datuk Muhammad Nasir Hamzah said the festival brings a traditional game that is nearly extinct and is an attempt to resuscitate it.

"This heritage needs to be maintained because every nation has its own heritage, and in life, we also need to leave a vision and legacy to our children and grandchildren.

"If possible, programmes like this should be organised continuously every year not only in Selangor but throughout Malaysia, especially in Sabah and Sarawak, so that art and cultural heritage can be maintained," he added.

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