Nerve disorder patient excitedly casts vote, seventh time as the first person

KOTA BHARU - Businesswoman Sarifah Hassan, 56, who suffers from a nerve disorder, became the first voter to cast their ballot at the Seri Ketereh National School here today.
Sarifah who lined up as early as 7.30 am and completed the voting process at 8.05 am, was accompanied by her daughter, Ummu Amirah Azahan, 25.
Sarifah said it has become her tradition to be the first voter every time an election is held, and she would leave her home for the polling center as early as 7 am.
"I have been suffering from nerve pain from my waist down to both legs for the past three years, but I am still enthusiastic about being the first to cast my vote.
"Today, my daughter helped me ride a motorcycle from our home to the polling center, which is less than a few kilometer away," she said when met by reporters at the polling center here on Saturday.
Also fulfilling their voting duty was the Pakatan Harapan Kok Lanas state seat candidate Ahmad Deraman.
Meanwhile, 11 family members from three generations – a grandmother, daughter, and grandchildren – cast their votes simultaneously at the polling center around 8.20 am.
Aminah Zakaria, 74, said she never misses her duty to vote in every election, even though she is now in a wheelchair due to old age and cannot walk.
"I will still be among the earliest voters and I won't miss the chance to vote. Besides, the Election Commission (EC) officers are very helpful in facilitating the voting process,"she said.
Her granddaughter, Nur Aina Syuhada Abdul Aziz, 27, added that they arrived at 8 pm on Friday from Penang to carry out their voting duties in the state election.
According to the financial worker, they have high hopes to see changes in Kelantan, particularly in development issues and basic needs.
"We, the children of migrants, return for the state's future and hope to see positive changes in Kelantan.
"We live in other states and contribute to their economy, but we still want to see the best development happening in our 'kampung' ," she said.
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