Fahmi lambasts parties behind edited news headline

26 Jun 2023 12:21am
Fahmi - Bernama Pix
Fahmi - Bernama Pix
KUALA LUMPUR - Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil today lambasted the parties behind an edited headline of a news item posted on Facebook that later went viral.

He said the original headline, ‘Jangan guna jentera kerajaan kempen untuk parti politik - Fahmi’ (Do not use government machinery to campaign for political parties - Fahmi), used by a Malay daily has been edited with the additional words, ‘Kami takpe’ (But we can) by certain quarters.

The edited headline ended up reading as ‘Jangan guna jentera kerajaan kempen untuk parti politik. Kami takpe - Fahmi’.

"Slander has become prevalent. This fake (headline) is being circulated on Whatsapp and others (media platforms),” he said on Facebook tonight.

In his post, Fahmi attached a screenshot of the edited version.
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He also attached links to news reports in which he (Fahmi) had reminded Information Department officers and personnel not to misuse government machinery for the upcoming state election campaigns.

Fahmi said the reminder was issued at an engagement session with Kelantan Information Department staff last night. - BERNAMA

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