Grand send-off for Acryl as he bids goodbye to the police force

22 Jun 2023 07:01pm
Final send-off for outgoing IGP Tan Sri Acryl Sani on a police open top ceremony vehicle at Pulapol. Acryl thanked the media for being the bridge between the police and public. - Photo by Bernama
Final send-off for outgoing IGP Tan Sri Acryl Sani on a police open top ceremony vehicle at Pulapol. Acryl thanked the media for being the bridge between the police and public. - Photo by Bernama

KUALA LUMPUR: Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani bids farewell to the police force after 37 years of service in a grand send-off in a parade today.

The retiring top-cop arrived at the “beating the retreat” ceremony at the Police Training Centre (Pulapol) at about 5pm with his wife, hours after handing over his duties to his successor Tan Sri Razarudin Husain.

The ceremony was attended by over 100 top officers and their wives.

In keeping with tradition, Acryl inspected the flag-bearers and guard of honour followed by the raising of ‘Jalur Gemilang’ and singing the national anthem ‘Negaraku’.

It was then followed by a march-past by different police units and three helicopters from the Air Wing unit.

The ceremony featured performances by the police’s central band and also saw Acryl leading the marching band to the tune of ‘James Bond’ theme.

He then boarded an open-top police ceremonial vehicle with his family to leave the venue to mark his retirement.

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