Man who went berserk after being called 'pak cik' and not 'baby' fined RM300

13 Jun 2023 01:47pm
Mohd Asri Abdullah (centre) was fined RM300 by the Shah Alam magistrate's court, today, for causing public nuisance.
Mohd Asri Abdullah (centre) was fined RM300 by the Shah Alam magistrate's court, today, for causing public nuisance.

SHAH ALAM - After throwing his hot drink which splashed onto a four-year-old after being called "pak cik" instead of "abang" or "baby" earlier this month, a homeless man was fined RM300 by the magistrate's court, here, today, for causing public nuisance.

Magistrate Mohamad Redza Azhar Rezali handed down the fine to Mohd Asri Abdullah, 50, after the latter pleaded guilty to the charge.

The court ordered the accused to serve seven days in jail if he failed to pay the fine.

Asri was charged with causing public harm to the extent of causing public annoyance at a restaurant in Putra Heights, Subang Jaya here at 9am on June 4.

The charge was framed under Section 268 of the Penal Code and can be punished under Section 290 of the same code which carries a fine of up to RM400.

Deputy public prosecutor Nurul Farah Sofea Norazman conducted the prosecution while the accused was unrepresented.

According to the facts of the case, the complainant who was the owner of the restaurant and a worker were serving a regular customer.

The customer then asked the worker to call him "abang" or "baby" instead of "pak cik", to which the worker ignored.

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This then led the suspect to throw a packet of rice and hot nescafe which splashed on the restaurant owner's four-year-old son.

The suspect who was a former lorry driver went berserk and started kicking the tables, throwing the chairs, spitted and acted strangely at the restaurant.

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