Umno's brand badly affected in GE15 – Dr Akmal
KUALA LUMPUR - Umno must be honest and accept the fact that the party's brand had been affected badly in the 15th general election (GE15).
Its Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh they received feedbacks on the fall of Umno’s image and branding in the last election.
He said there were severel areas where people would not talk about their Parliament candidate because voters were pressed on the national and internal issues of the party.
"I call for all Youth friends to return and restore the Umno brand that is wanted, loved and desired.
“I'm sure my fellow delegates want us to go back to the old Umno.
"How can we restore the Umno brand that is close and communicative with the people, simply by going step by step and hand in hand with the respected party.
"I believe everyone loves Umno. We will bring those astray closer, heal those who were hurt and comfort the people who sulked while external parties are welcome to join," he said during a policy speech in conjunction with the 2023 Umno Youth General Assembly that took place in the World Trade Centre here on Thursday.
Akmal called for Umno Youth to always be sensitive and aware of the current needs and wants as well as stay ahead of the problem to ensure the 'demand' for the party increases.
He explained the people have rejected hateful, slanderous and intimidating politics.
"The people want politics based on a sense of responsibility, an open and mature mind, willingness to improve and not being too hard on others' weaknesses. In short, a gentlemen's politics.
"To make this happen, change is needed. Courage to change and not be afraid or intimidated.
“We have proven that we dared to make changes, the people trust Umno again," he said.
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