Block Jocelyn Chia from entering Malaysia - Gerakan

08 Jun 2023 11:15am
Jocelyn Chia - @comedycellarusa (TikTok)
Jocelyn Chia - @comedycellarusa (TikTok)

SHAH ALAM - Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia (Gerakan) condemns the actions of Singaporean comedian Jocelyn Chia for insulting and making offensive remarks against Malaysians.

Its vice president Koo Shiaw Lee said insulting the country through jokes uploaded on the @jocelynchiacomedy TikTok account angered many people in the country.

"For me, the Singaporean comedian Jocelyn shouldn't make such jokes about the MH370 tragedy.

"It's sensitive as the victims involved had died and it could be said to belittle the Malaysian manpower involved in the MH370 mission," he said in a statement.

Koo who was also the Gerakan information chief added that the insulting and sensitive jokes were also feared to damage the good relationship between Malaysia and Singapore.

He reminded that despite the good diplomatic relations between the two countries, it does not mean that the comedian could simply escape legal action.

He urged police and the Malaysian Immigration Department to launch an investigation into the comedian.

"This includes blocking her passport from entering Malaysia," he added.

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