2023 PAU to witness historic gathering of unity government leaders

02 Jun 2023 03:27pm
Umno secretary-general Datuk Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki (center) presents the official bag for the 6,341 representatives attending the PAU. - Photo by Sinar Harian/ Mohd Rafiq Redzuan Hamzah
Umno secretary-general Datuk Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki (center) presents the official bag for the 6,341 representatives attending the PAU. - Photo by Sinar Harian/ Mohd Rafiq Redzuan Hamzah

KUALA LUMPUR - The upcoming 2023 Umno General Assembly (PAU) is set to make history as it welcomes top leaders from DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).

Umno secretary-general Datuk Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki said that all party presidents from the unity government, including Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, will attend the general assembly, scheduled to take place at the Kuala Lumpur World Trade Centre (WTCKL) from June 7 to June 10.

"This year it's different as the prime minister will attend our general assembly with 19 other party presidents under the unity government.

"Each state will have its representative to discuss and deliver motion speeches. As part of the unity government, we can expect motions from the states focusing on the people's economy, education-related issues, and the significance of religion, which are common topics of discussion," he said at a press conference at Dato Onn Tower on Friday.

It has been reported that 6,341 Umno representatives will be present at the PAU.

Asyraf dismissed any claims of limitations on debating issues since Umno is now part of the unity government.

"The Merdeka Hall will continue to become a place for debate brought by the states as usual by bringing in the voices from a grassroot level.

"The main issue to be tabled is regarding the upcoming State Elections and would be debated by the spokesmen of the six states and it would bring issues from each state," he said.

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On another matter, Asyraf clarified that various matters regarding the rules of membership meetings were being addressed, including the intention to facilitate online membership registration by the Umno president.

"We have received feedback from youth who want to join Umno but face constitutional constraints, such as the requirement to go through the branch chief for registration. We aim to simplify this process to make Umno more accessible to young individuals," he added.

He denied the report that Umno youth did not extend invitations to their counterparts in other parties in the unity government.

"Usually the wings will follow the assembly. If the main PAU invites parties from the unity government they would surely follow," he said.

Asyraf also refuted claims that Umno youth had not invited their counterparts from other parties within the unity government.

"Usually, the wings of the party follow the assembly. If the main PAU invites parties from the unity government, the wings will undoubtedly follow suit," he affirmed.

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