Parents reminded to monitor children playing firecrackers, fireworks

15 Apr 2023 01:28pm
picture for illustrative purposes - FILEPIC
picture for illustrative purposes - FILEPIC
JOHOR BAHRU - The Women, Family and Community Development Ministry (KPWKM) reminds parents to always monitor and supervise their children when playing with firecrackers or fireworks during the Aidilfitri celebration.

Its deputy minister, Aiman ​​Athirah Sabu said parents need to be more sensitive and not neglect their children to avoid any untoward incidents.

"This is because we don't want the celebration to end in sadness. Children should always be monitored and cared for. If anything untoward happens, it can be interpreted as neglect and action can be taken under the Child Act," he told reporters after opening the "Memacu Kehidupan: Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2023” programme organised by Petronas Foundation here last night.

He said this when asked about the Ministry of Local Government Development’s (KPKT) decision in allowing the sale of fireworks and firecrackers in the country.

Meanwhile, regarding the proposed establishment of the Child Development Department to protect children including those involving crime and abuse, he said the matter is in the discussion stage with the Public Service Department and the Ministry of Finance.
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"Insya Allah, in 2026, the department will operate as an agency under the ministry," he said.

Earlier, the Petronas Foundation distributed 250 packages of food items, such as glutinous rice, coconut milk, rendang paste and peanut sauce , as well as Raya cookies, to low-income families - BERNAMA

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