Reveal, investigate country's crooks

19 Jan 2023 01:59pm

SHAH ALAM - Anti-graft non-governmental organisation (NGO) urges the government and authorities to immediately reveal, investigate and charge political parties and certain political figures who caused the country to suffer losses of up to RM4 billion.

Sinar for Malaysia Foundation (#RasuahBusters) chief executive officer Nurhayati Nordin said serious and immediate investigation needed to be carried out as it involved huge losses of national funds.

"The parties responsible must investigate and reveal these crooks behind the leakages.

"We want the country to be stable, but as long as these crooks who destroyed the country are not stopped, we will suffer more losses.

"Have some sympathy for our next generation with the debts amounting to trillions and leakages due to corruption. Imagine what can happen in the next 10 years," she said on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim revealed that he identified leakages of RM3 billion to RM4 billion to parties and certain individuals.

Anwar said the country could have saved up to RM10 billion from the leakages that occurred in the government procurement system if corruption was eradicated at all levels.

Meanwhile, Nurhayati said the problems started with abuse of power, cheating and making false claims.

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"They start with small lies and it eventually led to billions. I suggest that all parties related to play a role to stop this and investigate how these leakages happened.

"If there's room for corruption, close it, if there is a need to sack these people, just fire them.

"If the system needs changing, we must change it. Let's perform our duty without favouritism.

"We must find the cause, prevention and punishment so that such crimes would not happen again," she said.

Nurhayati added that the country needed to reform laws on political funds as well as procurement.

"The reform should be done immediately as the country is at stake," she said.

Meanwhile Taiping Rasuah Busters founder Dr Muhd Fadhil Nuruddin urged the authorities to immediately drag the parties and figures who had caused the losses to the country to be brought to justice.

He said the Prime Minister's exposure must be followed by drastic actions.

Fadhil said the people wanted immediate actions other than worrying that those involved might try to "escape".

"Bring those involved to justice immediately, it doesn't matter if they are a friend or a foe, the people are watching," he said on Wednesday.

Fadhil said corruption was seen spreading rapidly in the country and urged for actions to be taken to ensure such practices were stopped.

"If no effort is made, corruption will become more rampant, causing an emergence in other problems," he said.

Fadhil made a courtesy visit to Rasuah Busters chief Datuk Hussamuddin Yaacub at the Karangkraf Group Complex, here, on Wednesday.

Fadhil and delegates exchanged views in the meeting regarding corruption in the country and the role that should be played to ensure that Malaysia was free from corruption.

He said the meeting will create proactive steps for Taiping Rasuah Busters in planning strategies to overcome corruption.

"Lets look towards the future, we will highlight the anti-corruption agenda and will plan for our movements to be effective and efficient

"We want to have the anti-corruption awareness agenda spread to the public in Taiping as soon as possible because it must be spread," he added.

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