Here are five must watch Merdeka movies

31 Aug 2022 10:55am

What is it like to live in a peaceful and harmonious country like Malaysia? As a multiracial nation, we are also gifted with a variety of food from different cultures.

However, have we ever thought of the process of gaining such peace and stability we enjoy so much now?

This year marks 65 years of Malaysia’s independence, freedom and rights as a nation but we all know it was not an easy road for our ancestors to fight for what we have now.

The blood, sweat and tears shed by our forefathers just over six decades ago were priceless and it should be appreciated by the current generation.

To fully comprehend better how it happened, here the top five movies you can watch and visualise before the era of Malaysia Merdeka, a time where Tanah Melayu struggled against the British.

1. Mat Kilau

Of course the very first film in the list just hit our cinema, Mat Kilau. The movie has reached more than RM100 million and gained attention from all Malaysians regardless of age and even neighbouring countries.

Led by Datuk Adi Putra as Mat Kilau, the movie emphasised on how Mat Kilau and his friends raised the spirit of the Malay people to rise up against the British colonisation.

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Mat Kilau had an intense opening with the murder of a group of villagers by the British armies which was allowed emotions to be “carried” out throughout the movie.

However, what we could learn from the movie was not only the sacrifices that were made by our ancestors, but also the culture and martial arts portrayed in the film.

We can see that the added the cultural details like the traditional houses, women’s clothing and style as well as the art of silat.

Mat Kilau, played by Adi Putra.
Mat Kilau, played by Adi Putra.

2. Bukit Kepong

Bukit Kepong film is the true story of the Malaya police and villagers’ sacrifice fighting over 180 communists at the Bukit Kepong police station.

The heartbreaking incident took place at Bukit Kepong, Johor in 1950 in which 25 of the police officers were killed in the battle.

Even more tragic was when the women - unable see their husbands and the other officers killed, picked up the guns and continued fighting against the communist.

Only four police officers and nine family members survived the attack.

This movie should most definitely be in your watch list to fully comprehend the cruelty of the communist to our nation and people, and why such ideology should never return.

The late Tan Sri Jins Shamsuddin played the lead in Bukit Kepong.
The late Tan Sri Jins Shamsuddin played the lead in Bukit Kepong.

3. Leftenan Adnan

If Mat Kilau was against the British colonisation and Bukit Kepong against the Communist, Leftenan Adnan is a story of the sacrifice a soldier undertook during the Japanese infiltration of Tanah Melayu.

Based on the true story, this patriotic movie portrayed the first Malay soldier to hold the position of a sergeant.

His name, Lieutenant Adnan Saidi and his story was released in 2000.

From this film, viewers could see how Lieutenant Adnan and his army troops defended the Japanese attack at Bukit Chandu.

Lieutenant Adnan was then captured alive by the Japanese army, was hanged on a cherry tree and tortured by the bayonet which eventually killed him.

His bravery and spirit as a soldier had impressed General Tomoyuki Yamashita, where he was quoted saying: “If there are 10 more Lieutenant Adnan, then Japan needs 10 more battalions to conquer Tanah Melayu”.

Leftenan Adnan
Leftenan Adnan

4. Bravo 5

Just like Bukit Kepong, Bravo 5 was dedicated to the soldiers who were killed during Second Malaysia Emergency.

The movie was released in 2015.

It was set in the year 1989 when five Commando Army from the Special Force Regiment had to prevent the Communist Party from attacking and to locate their guerrilla attack.

The movie played with the viewers emotions where you can feel the thrill and anxiousness about what will happen to the soldiers next.

Aside from the thrilling experience, Bravo 5 pictures the harmonious relationship between all races and religions in order to fight against communist attacks post-British occupancy.

It’s one of the must watch movies during the National Day!

Bravo 5
Bravo 5

5. 1957 Hati Malaya

The four mentioned movies are action-packed films but for 1957 Hari Malaya, it fills your soul depicting Tunku Abdul Rahman’s struggle to gain independence from the British government.

Viewers will have a clearer view on the chronology of how Malaya gained independence from the British government and what it takes for our ancestors to be free.

During Tunku Abdul Rahman’s speech, he and his team were lacking the financial resources to fly to London to deal with the British.

With the spirit and support of the Malayan people, they united to sell their jewelleries and precious belongings for Tunku and the team to go to London.

This movie has amazing line-ups of actors and actresses, namely Kamarulzaman Taib, Rusdi Ramli, Adlin Aman Ramli, Maya Karin, Sharifah Amani and many more!

1957 Hati Malaya
1957 Hati Malaya

It's the perfect time to watch or rewatch these movies to keep the Merdeka spirit alive as we celebrate Malaysia Day in two week's time.