Boris Johnson mulls leaving politics

10 Jul 2022 02:03pm
Outgoing Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been grappling with calls to resign after a series of scandals over violations of Covid-19 regulations throughout 2020 and 2021.
Outgoing Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been grappling with calls to resign after a series of scandals over violations of Covid-19 regulations throughout 2020 and 2021.

MOSCOW - Outgoing British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is thinking of leaving politics altogether, Sputnik quoted The Telegraph report citing insider sources.

"He's taking this weekend to think about it. I don't think he's decided yet," one source told the newspaper on Saturday. Another insider said Johnson "is taking stock and seeing where we are. He is not standing down now, but that's not saying he will stand again".

According to The Telegraph, after a run of by-election defeats in southern Tory seats, Johnson has decided he cannot force a by-election in his constituency of Uxbridge and South Ruislip.

Citing sources, the newspaper said on Saturday that Johnson is deciding whether to remain in the Commons or to choose another path and return to writing and giving after-dinner speeches that he busied himself with before 2016.

Johnson has been grappling with calls to resign after a series of scandals over violations of Covid-19 regulations throughout 2020 and 2021.

Earlier in the week, the appointment of Christopher Pincher, who was vetted by Johnson as deputy chief whip of the Conservatives despite accusations of sexual misconduct, led to a string of resignations and eventually forced Johnson to step down both as the prime minister and head of the UK's Conservative Party.

He will remain in office until a new appointment is made. - Bernama

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