'We need peace now, not tomorrow' - Palestinian ambassador

People show a huge national flag of Palestine during a rally in New York City, the United States, on Oct. 7, 2024. - Photo by Xinhua

Political roadmap key to lasting peace in Palestine

SHAH ALAM - Palestinian Ambassador to Malaysia Walid Abu Ali has stressed that the urgent priority for his people is an immediate ceasefire, insisting that they sought peace now, not tomorrow.

The ambassador expressed his desire for the genocide occurring in Palestine to end immediately, rather than waiting for future resolutions.


"The million-dollar question is, what are our priorities as Palestinians? First and foremost our priority is an immediate ceasefire right now, before tomorrow.

"If this conflict drags on until 2027, we may witness the disappearance of Gaza’s population,” he said in response to claims suggesting that the genocide could come to an end by 2027.


Walid was speaking at 'The Palestinian Diaries: A Day of Culture, Stories and Solidarity' programme organised by Sinar Daily at the Karangkraf Group, on Tuesday.

Walid highlighted that with more than 150,000 victims in Gaza over just one year, it was terrifying to consider the potential consequences if Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu persisted with his current course of action.


He warned that if this trend continued, half of Gaza's population could be lost within two to three years, making it crucial to end the war immediately.

"Second, we must establish a humanitarian corridor to deliver essential supplies to those suffering in Gaza. Winter is fast approaching, and the cold in Gaza is brutal.


"People can not survive in tents or makeshift shelters. Just as much as the ceasefire is vital, so is ensuring that basic necessities reach those in desperate need.

"Lastly, we need to establish a political roadmap that alleviates suffering and paves the way for a comprehensive peace agreement.

"This will enable Palestinians to live in peace and enjoy the same stability and security as others,” he said.