GISBH: Blind obedience to leaders must be stopped - Dr Maza

Dr Maza during a lecture at Masjid Alwi, Kangar on Thursday night. Photo by AWANI.

He said blind obedience stems from the cult-like glorification of religious leaders, viewing them as pure beings and believing that their words represent the will of God.

KANGAR - Any teaching that promotes blind devotion and the glorification of leaders must be eradicated without compromise, said Perlis Mufti Datuk Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin.

He emphasised that such approaches led Muslims towards fanaticism, eventually undermining rational thinking.


Dr Maza, as he was commonly known, explained that these kinds of doctrines fostered various deviant teachings in the country and created issues, as seen among the followers of GISB Holdings Sdn Bhd (GISBH).

"Blind obedience stems from the cult-like glorification of religious leaders, viewing them as pure beings and believing that their words represent the will of God.


"This was the issue within GISBH and, in fact, also within certain groups practising tarekat in the country," he said during a lecture at Masjid Alwi in Kangar yesterday.

He added that some of the rituals performed by these groups no longer reminded them of Allah, but rather of their teachers or leaders.


Dr Maza further clarified that over time, this deviation from true religious teachings not only misled people but also opened the door for manipulation to serve the leaders' personal interests.

"Some of them have been taught from a young age to call upon their leaders in times of hardship. They have forgotten to turn to Allah, as taught by Islam.


"This is also true for the Naqshbandi tarekat, whose practices are not far removed from those found in GISBH," he added.

Dr Maza said that followers of such groups were no longer able to think critically or question the validity of their leaders' actions, let alone challenge any orders or teachings that were given.

Therefore, he insisted, this mindset must be fought relentlessly to prevent it from spreading or recurring within the community.

At the same time, Dr Maza questioned who was really behind GISBH, as authorities such as the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN) had failed to detect the company’s businesses for proper taxation.

He said such an oversight should not have happened, especially given the scale of GISBH's business operations.

"Usually, even those of us who are salaried employees face strict tax deductions, and the LHDN will pursue us if we fail to comply.

"So how is it possible that GISBH, with so many businesses, could evade detection for years?

"This raises a big question, who is actually behind them that prevents the LHDN from functioning as it should?" he asked. – AWANI