Housewife's hibiscus hairbands in high demand

Siti Nur Natrah showcases the hibiscus-themed hairbands she created and sells online.

She did not expect such demand for the hairbands, as initially, they were sold to raise funds for her daughter’s school Merdeka Day competition.

BESUT - A housewife from Kampung Gong Duek here has been able to earn RM500 in just two weeks by creating hibiscus-themed hairbands in conjunction with the 2024 National Day celebrations.

Siti Nur Natrah Yatimi Mohd Azmi, 35, said that her creations received an overwhelming response after being posted on social media.


She said that she did not expect such demand for the hairbands, as initially, they were sold to raise funds for her daughter’s school Merdeka Day competition.

"I sold these hairbands just for fun, to gather some extra money as preparation for my daughter to participate in the school's National Day celebration.


"After I posted them on social media, I didn’t expect so many orders to come in. From there, I started taking orders.

"For nearby customers, like those in Jertih, I do cash on delivery (COD), while for those outside the district or state, I send them by post," she said when met at her home recently.


Siti Nur Natrah showcases the hibiscus-themed hairbands she created and sells online.

Natrah said that so far, she received nearly 100 orders for the hairbands.


She added that the hairbands were sold at prices ranging from RM12 to RM22 each, depending on the type of hairband produced.

"I chose the hibiscus theme for each creation further to ignite the spirit of independence in the wearer.

"I also use colourful fuzzy wires to craft the hibiscus flowers as decorations.

"The colours found on the Malaysian flag, such as blue, yellow, red, and white, are also used as a symbol of the Malaysian flag," she said.

She added that these hibiscus-themed hairbands received orders from all over the country, including Sabah and Sarawak.

"As a mother, I feel proud to be able to instil the spirit of independence in my children in my own way.

"Even sweeter, what I have created has become a choice for those with a strong sense of patriotism," she added.