Man dies two weeks after wife’s childbirth death

Airyn (left) and Safry.

“The same hearse was used for his wife’s funeral two weeks ago, and now for him.”

SANDAKAN - The profound bond between a couple was tragically evident when a man passed away just two weeks after his wife died while giving birth in Kampung Seaview on Tuesday.

Safry Roslan, 35, was pronounced dead at about 2.50am at the Duchess of Kent Hospital (HDOK) after family members found him unconscious.


His wife, Airyn Darwisa Rudy, 25, had passed away on July 30 while delivering their fourth child.

Jefrie, 29, Safry’s brother, shared that although Safry appeared healthy, he exhibited unusual behaviour the day before his death, acting strangely with family and colleagues.


"On Monday, he seemed fine and went to work as usual. However, friends reported that he was acting oddly, shaking hands, apologising and hugging colleagues throughout the day.

"At home, he treated the family to a meal and apologised for any past mistakes.


"I initially wondered about his behaviour but didn’t want to jump to conclusions, thinking perhaps he was grieving his late wife,” Jefrie told Sinar on Thursday.

Jefrie added that his brother's behaviour changed significantly after his wife’s death.


"On the night before he passed, we talked and he mentioned that his late wife had come to him and invited him to their 'new home.'

"I assumed he was deeply missing her because, since her passing, he frequently dreamed about and talked in his sleep about her,” he said.

Jefrie further described that his brother went to sleep around midnight and frequently spoke in his sleep, requiring them to wake him.

"He started talking in his sleep at about 1am, and we woke him up and talked with him briefly before he lay down again, but he continued to talk in his sleep.

"Eventually, his talking ceased, and he fell silent. We checked on him, and he seemed unconscious. He regained consciousness briefly, took a few breaths, and then went quiet. After a few such instances, we laid him down again and noticed his lips turning pale.

"I quickly called our mother and rushed him to the hospital. We were informed he was in critical condition and urged to pray while the doctors tried to help. Sadly, he was pronounced dead at 2.50am,” he said.

Jefrie expressed gratitude that the burial arrangements for his brother were smoothly and efficiently handled.

"His body was laid to rest next to his wife’s grave at the Islamic Cemetery in Jalan Aman Sandakan. Alhamdulillah, everything was completed by 8pm last night.

"We have no expectations; we only hope that if this story has been shared, people will leave kind comments so that the children will know their parents’ story when they grow up,” he added.

Regarding the fate of the late couple’s four children, Jefrie mentioned that the newborn is now under his and his wife’s care.

"Although I am the fourth child and my brother was the eldest, we were very close as we lived together. Before he passed, he asked me to take care of the newborn.

"The other three children, aged five, four, and two, are now cared for by their grandmother,” he said.

Previously, TikTok user Abam Botak, whose real name is Yunizam Yusop, 36, posted a video on Tuesday showing the hearse he operated being involved in managing the late Safry’s funeral.

"Two weeks ago, his wife passed away while giving birth. Today, the husband has followed her. May Allah take care of their children,” Yunizam said in the 36-second video.

When contacted, Yunizam said he was shocked that the man who had reached out to him two weeks ago also passed away, leaving behind his family.

"Last week, his wife passed away, and he contacted me to arrange her funeral. I didn’t expect him to pass away today.

"The same hearse was used for his wife’s funeral two weeks ago, and now for him,” Yunizam added.