Personalised learning key to AI in education - Expert

A photo taken on March 31, 2023 in Manta, near Turin, shows a computer screen with the home page of the artificial intelligence OpenAI web site, displaying its ChatGPT robot. - (Photo by AFP)

One-size-fits-all education outdated, AI offers solution

SHAH ALAM - The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education is revolutionising the way students learn, shifting the focus towards personalised learning experiences.

Traditional educational systems often struggle to meet the diverse needs of individual students, but AI has the potential to tailor education to each student's unique requirements.


Speaking to Sinar Daily, Dr Afnizanfaizal Abdullah, an AI expert from The Malaysian Research Accelerator for Technology & Innovation (MRANTI), highlighted the significance of personalised learning in modern education.

"The core of AI in education is personalised learning. The problem with educational systems worldwide is the 'one-size-fits-all' approach.


"We have a standardised system that everyone must follow, which doesn’t consider students who struggle or have different learning needs," he said.

While there are existing provisions for special needs education, Afnizanfaizal pointed out that the current system's rigid design often fails to address the diverse learning preferences of all students.


"For example, there are programmes for special needs students, but they still adhere to a predetermined structure.

"To truly address these issues, we need to shift towards personalised learning, where each student has their own education profile," he said.


Drawing from his personal experience, Afnizanfaizal highlighted the necessity of customising educational approaches.

"Personally, I struggle with traditional classroom settings—I tend to fall asleep in class.

"I can't thrive in a confined learning environment, while others around me might absorb information well. I prefer studying at night.

"This is the kind of personalisation we need in education, and the system must incorporate these personalised elements to truly benefit students," he added.

Afnizanfaizal emphasised that AI should be viewed as a tool to enhance education rather than as the end goal.

"At this stage, AI in education is about using it as a tool, similar to how a whiteboard is used for teaching and sharing knowledge.

"Companies like Google and Microsoft are developing AI as a tool, and educational systems should leverage this to better engage students through personalised learning," he said.

He further explained that AI can help increase student engagement, personalise learning capabilities, and deliver content more effectively to individual students.

When asked about the role of universities and educational institutions in incorporating AI into their curricula, Afnizanfaizal suggested that students should focus on being effective users of AI.

"Students should play their role as users of AI.

"Developing AI is complex, and not everyone needs to be involved in its creation.

"Instead, students should focus on becoming future thinkers and problem solvers.

"While technical education should cover the basics of AI, universities should prioritise utilising and leveraging AI to enhance learning," he said.

The incorporation of AI in education goes beyond technological advancements; it is about transforming the learning experience to be more inclusive, personalised, and effective.

"AI will play a crucial role in engaging students on a personalised level, increasing their attention, and ensuring that educational content is delivered to the right person in the right way," Afnizanfaizal added.