Allegations of receiving funds from MP untrue, Sinar Harian continues to bring balanced reporting


The transaction followed the standard procedures and protocols for purchasing advertisement space in the media and complied with legal provisions.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh and greetings.

Sinar Harian refers to the allegations circulating on social media following the charges in court against the Tasek Gelugor Member of Parliament, which also mentions Sinar Karangkraf as having received an amount of RM38,160.


Sinar Harian asserts that all assumptions and slander intentionally spread are entirely untrue. Instead, the involved transaction followed the standard procedures and protocols for purchasing advertisement space in the media and complied with legal provisions.

The process of purchasing media advertisement space, especially during elections by political parties, is customary in this industry. The amount spent for campaign ads during the 15th general election and the recent state elections by other political parties is also significantly higher.


Since its inception on July 31, 2006, Sinar Harian has practised an open policy and remains uninfluenced by any party, particularly political parties and leaders.

Our ‘Transparent and Truthful’ Policy, which has underpinned our editorial ethics for so long, demonstrates our commitment to responsibly delivering balanced and fair information to Malaysians.


Therefore, Sinar Harian believes it should not be constrained, let alone bought, for the benefit of any particular political interest.

Sinar Harian welcomes readers and Malaysians to continue expressing constructive comments, opinions, and criticisms and to courageously conduct fair checks and balances, despite differing beliefs and backgrounds.


At the same time, we hope that all parties will be cautious and responsible in making statements that could result in ‘sub-judice’ affecting any ongoing court processes.

In any defamatory or malicious statements that could damage reputation and credibility, Sinar Harian will also consider taking legal action against any involved parties.

Finally, we at Sinar Harian remain committed to our mission and journalistic ethical values in upholding integrity and accountability based on the trust and confidence of Malaysians, especially our readers, in continuing to deliver the truth.

Thank you,

Sinar Harian Management