Coffee cravings: Harmless buzz or cause for concern?


"The withdrawal syndrome from coffee might not be as bad as nicotine withdrawal."

IN today's fast-paced world, coffee has become an essential part of many people's daily routines.

From the morning pick-me-up to the afternoon energy boost, coffee is being consumed by millions across the globe.


However, does it serve as a harmless addiction?

Fitness coach Kevin Zahri said that compared to other ‘addictions’, being addicted to coffee seems harmless as it only causes a short withdrawal syndrome.

Fitness coach Kevin Zahri


"Caffeine only causes short withdrawal syndrome, as compared to other kinds of addictions such as nicotine addiction which is difficult to face during times like fasting during the Holy Ramadhan month.

"The withdrawal syndrome from coffee might not be as bad as nicotine withdrawal, where we can see nicotine addicts having problems coping without it for even weeks. The Dracula effect is much more obvious with them (nicotine addicts)," he said.


While reminding that too much caffeine could cause weakness leading to insomnia, Kevin said caffeine with a moderate intake for avid coffee lovers is a no-issue practice, as long as it would make one happy.

"It is important to know that if you are worried about an addiction that is supposed to be harmless, identify why you are dependent on it and if it makes you miserable without it, I don't see any reason why you should stop it," he said.


Kevin also highlighted that he has his own coffee machine that could create many types of coffee that he wants.

"Whatever flavour floats your boat, as long as you are happy and not overdoing it," he said.

Kevin said this at Sinar Daily's third She Leads programme titled ‘Elevating the Fitness of Your Mind and Body’ where he was a panellist together with clinical psychologist Yasmin Khan.

Among the sponsors at the event was Nuff Coffee who served free coffee and beverages for the guests at the event.

Nuff Coffee owner Mohammad Hanaffi Tahir also dismissed the common stigma that coffee causes anxiety and other unrelated diseases.

"It is important to research the ingredients of the coffee to know which coffee to go for at coffee shops.

"Even as a coffee shop ourselves, we would advise customers to do so, while also suggesting what is good and what is not, while educating them more about coffee, such as that we have different roasters, different types of coffee and such," he added.

Nuff Coffee owner Mohammad Hanaffi Tahir

Hanaffi also recommends coffee consumers balance their caffeine intake with plain water so as not to lure in any unwanted side effects, especially for those who drink it more regularly than anyone else.

The coffee shop owner reiterated that coffee is most probably not the cause of death but works as fuel and energy, once known for its right way of consumption.

"Learning about coffee every day motivates me to continue my business up until today," Hanafi said.