ADHD student triumphs with 12As in SPM

Syamer credited his determination, religious practices, and support from family and teachers for his success. - Photo by Syamer

Religious practices and determination lead ADHD student to SPM success

SETIU - Despite battling attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a student from Sekolah Menengah Imtiaz Yayasan Terengganu (SMIYT) Setiu achieved an impressive 12As in the 2023 Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examination.

Muhammad Syamer Haziq Mohd Sofian, 18, credited his determination, religious practices, and support from family and teachers for his success.


"Before the exam, I was worried about the Additional Mathematics subject because during the trial exam I got an E but I didn't expect yesterday’s result to be an A as well,” said Syamer Haziq, who aspires to study pharmacy at the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM).

He is also grateful for memorising 30 juz of the Quran while in Form Four.


His mother, Zamilah Ahmad, 47, revealed that Syamer Haziq, the eldest of four siblings, was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 10.

"His ADHD was classified as moderate, and in primary school, his hyperactivity sometimes manifested as disruptive behavior.


"Despite this, he excelled academically due to his strong memory and interest in memorisation,” she said.

Zamilah added that her son struggles with fine motor skills, which affects tasks like handling scissors, buttoning shirts and tying shoelaces.


However, she noted improvement in this area as Syamer Haziq matures. - BERNAMA