Summit surprise: Hikers discover massage chair atop Mount Kinabalu!

Hikers ascending Mount Kinabalu were in for a delightful surprise as they reached the summit and discovered a plush massage chair nestled amidst the breathtaking views.

What is the first thing you expect to see at the end of a long, hard hike up a mountain? The glorious summit? The stunning views? How about a massage chair waiting for you at the top?

Hikers ascending Mount Kinabalu were in for a delightful surprise as they reached the summit and discovered a plush massage chair nestled amidst the breathtaking views.


Imagine the surprise of hikers reaching the top of Mount Kinabalu to find a massage chair; something beyond their wildest expectations. Well, believe it or not, that is exactly what greeted hikers on Malaysia's majestic Mount Kinabalu.

As it turned out, this bold endeavour was orchestrated by Evis, Malaysia’s leading innovative ergonomic solutions provider.


In celebration of the hiker’s perseverance and success in reaching the summit, Evis arranged for their latest innovation; the ZENIA cordless massage chair to be placed at the trail’s end. But this wasn't just any massage chair; it was a cordless wonder, ready to provide soothing relief to tired muscles without the need for a power source.

Symbolic of the fusion of adventure and relaxation, the massage chair is expected to make waves across the nation and beyond. The journey up Mount Kinabalu was not just a physical feat but also a testament to the unwavering determination and spirit of adventure.


As the hikers navigated steep ascents, rocky paths, and changing climates, they inspired onlookers to explore unconventional ways of merging passion with exploration. The presence of the massage chair highlighted the importance of rest and relaxation amidst nature's beauty.

Currently, hikers visiting Mount Kinabalu can still enjoy a session with the Zenia at the headquarters of Kinabalu National Park or the Laban Rata branch of Sutera Sanctuary Lodges, Evis’ partner in this unique venture.


Evis's ZENIA cordless massage chair.

Nicholas, a member of the hiking crew who had the pleasure of experiencing Evis's ZENIA massage chair at the summit of Mount Kinabalu, shared that upon reaching the top, one might believe they have seen it all.

"Then you see a chair, a massage chair no less, and you get to soothe your aching muscles after a long hike,” he excitedly mentioned.

Evis founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of, Low Jay See expressed his enthusiasm and mentioned his belief that investing in ergonomic products is an investment in one’s long-term health, which can potentially alleviate the need for expensive and time-consuming sessions with medicine.

"Zenia represents our dedication to creating products that take ergonomic support to the next level; assuring our customers of unparalleled comfort and relaxation, and offering a ray of hope in an age where neck and back problems are rampant,” he added.

Zenia is not just a massage chair; it is a holistic solution for comfort and spine health. With intuitive phone-controlled features, 5D armrests, specialised neck and lumbar support and Z-Flux technology that mimics professional massage techniques, Zenia promises rejuvenation and relief after a strenuous hike or a long day at work.

The innovative design of Zenia highlights Evis’ commitment to enhancing well-being through ergonomic solutions, paving the way for a healthier, more comfortable lifestyle for all.