Former LGBT member spiritual awakening leads him back to Islam

Muhammad Azri

Personal stories of repentance and returning to Islamic teachings

KLANG - Former members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community have shared stories of spiritual awakening and repentance, highlighting a journey of self-discovery and rediscovery of Islam.

Syahrin Rashidi, 59, recounted how his life changed after graduating.


"My mother granted me more freedom, with her only demand being that I excel in my studies.

"Before that, I feared her authority and did not socialise much with friends or go out like other teenagers.


"I mainly stayed with my family until I began working and earning my own income.

"It was then that I started going out with friends, especially getting involved with nightlife activities," he told Sinar Daily in an interview recently.


Syahrin vividly remembers a transformative encounter with a transgender woman that marked a pivotal moment in his life.

"One day, while driving and stopping for a drink, a transgender woman spotted me and greeted me, recognising me as similar to him based on my appearance,” he said.


Encouraged by this encounter, he embraced his feminine identity, even resorting to hormone therapy.

"During that period of my life, I frequently socialised with other LGBT individuals, going out with them after work and on weekends.

"I struggled with a sense of being ‘lost’ for a long time. Although I had the financial freedom and the ability to indulge in whatever I desired, I felt a profound spiritual emptiness inside," he said.

Despite the initial discomfort, Syahrin found solace in his new identity, yet he battled a profound spiritual emptiness.

It was a moment of desperation that drove him to seek guidance through prayer and repentance.

"One night, as I lay down trying to sleep, I prayed to Allah SWT and shed tears, expressing my desire to change and refrain from sinful behaviour.

"I asked Him for hidayah (guidance) on how to transform myself,” he said.

Eventually, Syahrin found his way back to Islam through the support of his family and the guidance of a friend named Uncle Sam.

His journey back to Islam began with a visit to Sri Petaling Mosque, where he found solace and began his spiritual transformation.

"My sister provided me with my first ‘jubah’, and connected me with a friend named Uncle Sam.

"He is known for composing the iconic ‘Saya Anak Malaysia’ song.

"So I went to the Sri Petaling Mosque with Uncle Sam and this marked the beginning of my spiritual transition back to Islam’s teachings,” he added.

Another individual, who wanted to be known as Muhammad Azri, aged 58, also found himself reflecting on his life's journey and the emptiness of his lifestyle.

Despite societal support, he felt a lack of fulfillment.

Upon returning to his village, he sought the blessings of his late parents and embraced a life aligned with Islamic teachings.

Through marriage and family life, Azri found true contentment and purpose.

"In situations like these, we often find ourselves supporting others more than they support us.

"After reflecting on my life, I decided to return to my kampung and talk with my late parents about my desire to get married.

"Alhamdulillah, Allah granted my wish and my parents supported me in finding a suitable partner. They arranged for me to marry a woman from our village.

"Now, after 36 years of marriage, we have been blessed with five children, all of whom are now married, and I have 10 grandchildren, Alhamdulillah,” he said.

Following his return to Islam and receiving hidayah from Allah, Azri said that he joined a programme called Usrah Fitrah led by certified Islamic preachers who helped individuals like him who had strayed from the teachings of Islam.

"Through the prayers of my late parents, my wife and children, I have actively participated in various Islamic classes and programmes ever since then.

"I am grateful for Allah's guidance that brought me back to the right path.

"I do not claim to be perfect, but till this day, I am committed to continuously learning and improving in my faith, Alhamdulillah,” he said.