'Teaching undoubtedly one of the noblest professions in the world' - Syed Saddiq

Syed Saddiq - File photo

He noted that if he was not in politics, he would have pursued a career as a teacher or lecturer, just like his mother.

SHAH ALAM - As Teacher's Day approaches, it is essential to celebrate and honour the unwavering dedication of our teachers as they persistently fulfil their noble responsibilities, shaping generations to come.

The role of a teacher and the act of teaching stand as the cornerstone, the catalyst and the nurturing force behind all professions.


Widely regarded as one of the noblest callings on earth, if not the greatest, teaching embodies dedication, sincerity and tireless commitment to shaping countless generations of the past and those yet to come.

Former Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (Muda) president Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman emphasised that teaching is undoubtedly one of the noblest professions in the world.


The Muar MP also noted that if he was not in politics, he would have pursued a career as a teacher or lecturer, just like his mother.

"I recall a fond memory from my school days when, after school's session had finished, my mother would stop at a nearby Caltex petrol station where there were boys selling pickles in front of a shop or restaurant.


"She would approach them, not to reprimand them, but to inquire about their homes and request their parents' phone numbers.

"Despite the students' initial apprehension, my mother's intention was to invite them to her tuition class, where she taught them for free,” he said.


Syed Saddiq noted the dedication he witnessed in his mother's after-school teaching efforts, nearly every day – even the weekends.

Syed Saddiq with his mother. Photo source: Syed Saddiq's Facebook account.

"Many of her students came from underprivileged backgrounds, and this experience has profoundly inspired me to serve the public better,” he added.

Syed Saddiq also emphasised that his upbringing in a family of educators had profoundly influenced him.

"My mother, aunts and uncles are all teachers and witnessing my mother's dedication has been particularly inspiring.

"Behind every successful person, whether a billionaire, president, prime minister or even a dictator, lies the foundation built by great teachers who impart knowledge and shape individuals into better leaders,” he said.