'If I don't work, who will provide food for me?'

Zainab fills petrol into a vehicle's tank at a petrol station in Kuantan.

For the past 34 years, Zainab had been walking back and forth for a kilometre from home to work.

SHAH ALAM - While the majority of women her age are enjoying their time at home with their families, there are those among them who are still working hard in physically demanding jobs.

What motivates these older women, who are mothers in their golden years, to work despite their old age?


Mother of two children Zainab Jusoh, 69, continues to work as a pump attendant at a petrol station in Kuantan to earn a living.

For the past 34 years, Zainab had been walking back and forth for a kilometre from home to work without losing her determination, and in fact, she had no desire to retire as of now.


"I will keep working as long as I am able. If I do not work, who will provide food and clothing? Government assistance is not reliable; we do not get it every month.

"So, regardless of fatigue, I have to keep working as long as employers are willing to hire me," she said when met by Sinar here.


Originally from Terengganu, she relocated to Kuantan in the 1970s with her husband, but they later separated, leaving her to live independently ever since.

She said that working was the only option available to continue surviving and spending the remaining years without burdening others.


However, she said her two children who already had their own families often lend her money to help her.

"I have done all sorts of jobs. I used to work as a fish cutter in Tanjung Api, then as a cook, security guard and now as a pump attendant at the petrol station.

"The salary I earn is enough to buy food, pay rent, and help my siblings in the village. I don't mind as long as there is work, and I never want to beg.

"I don't want to burden my children; they also have their own families and many children. I understand that in these times of expensive goods, they are sometimes burdened.

"I have long accepted this way of life. May Allah always grant me good health so that I can continue to work," she said.