'Bersatu will continue to fight and reclaim government'

Bersatu members during the General Assembly 2023 at IDCC

SHAH ALAM - Bersatu Johor division chief Mohd Faizal Asmal said Bersatu will continue its fight in accordance with president Tan Sri Muhyiddin's advice in his policy speech to prepare for the next general election and to reclaim Putrajaya.

"As Bersatu members, we will fight and regain the government back,” he told Sinar Daily.


Meanwhile, Ketereh member of parliament Datuk Khlir Mohd Nor said from his observation, Bersatu has been performing consistently well.

"I have observed that Bersatu is actively addressing various matters and issues in parliament, and I anticipate more contributions from Bersatu in the future,” he said.


Commenting further, Bersatu Armada Information Chief Mohd Ashraf Mustaqim said Bersatu was established as an alternative to Umno.

He also contends that Umno was currently not effective in addressing the concerns of the Malay people.


"Bersatu is not just an alternative party but a replacement for Umno.

"Bersatu is a party that embraces the entire society without distinction of race, working to safeguard the interests of all Malaysians, including Chinese and Indians, for the collective progress of the nation,” he said.
