Malaysia welcomes, supports UNGA resolution calling for humanitarian truce in Gaza

People hold up placards as they take part in a 'March For Palestine' in London on October 28, 2023, to call for a ceasefire in Gaza - AFP
PUTRAJAYA - Malaysia strongly welcomes and supports the adoption of the United Nations (UN) resolution calling for an immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce between Israeli forces and Hamas in Gaza.

The resolution entitled "Protection of Civilians and Upholding Legal and Humanitarian Obligations” was adopted with 120 affirmative votes, 14 against and 45 abstentions during the resumed 10th Emergency Special Session (ESS) of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Friday.

"Malaysia voted in favour and co-sponsored the resolution, in line with the country's unwavering and long-standing position to support all international efforts to find a just, lasting, comprehensive and peaceful settlement to the situation in Palestine.

"Hence, this outcome is a clear, sound, and firm political message by the international community which demands for imperative action upon the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza,” said a statement issued by the Malaysian Foreign Ministry (Wisma Putra).

It added that the adoption of this resolution demonstrates a more affirmative voice of the international community to make substantive and concrete progress to address the humanitarian calamity that continues to unfold.

"The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) must respect and act in line with the will of the UN General Assembly,” it said, adding that a total of four UNSC resolutions on Palestine failed to be adopted since the crisis erupted on Oct 7.

The statement said Malaysia will continue to participate actively in the plenary meeting of the 10th ESS, which is scheduled to resume on Oct 31.

It said Malaysia reiterates its resolute call for an immediate ceasefire, an unimpeded humanitarian access, and a rejection of any attempt to forcefully displace the Palestinian people from its rightful land.

"Malaysia reaffirms its principled position that the Palestinians deserve their own independent and sovereign state, based on the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital,” the statement read.

Malaysia along with Brunei, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Maldives, Timor

Leste and Vietnam supported the request by the Arab Group and the Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for the resumption of 10th ESS of the UNGA in New York on Oct 26 - BERNAMA