Syed Saddiq questions rice supply, announces meeting with manufacturers

Screenshot of the video uploaded on Syed Saddiq's Facebook.

MUAR - Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman has conducted inspections here and found that not only was the local rice supply insufficient, but cooking oil and sugar were also unavailable in shops and supermarkets.

In a 34-minute and 38-second video uploaded to his Facebook page, the Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (Muda) president said that while the minister had reported that the rice supply was sufficient, this was not the case during his inspection.


Syed Saddiq questioned whether the supply of goods was being hidden or if the reports were merely "self-assuring" on paper.

"On paper, it was reported that 32 metric tons of local rice were supplied to shops and supermarkets in Muar.


"The minister said the supply was sufficient. There was no rice, cooking oil, or controlled-price sugar everywhere I went.

"The people, on the other hand, say they have yet to receive rice, cooking oil, and controlled-price sugar for one to two months.


"I have the latest list of the distribution of basic goods to each supermarket.

"Were the goods hidden after delivery? Self-assuring reports?" he wrote.


Syed Saddiq also announced that he would meet with manufacturers to report what had happened and learn more about the supply issue.

"If you want to ask, don't ask the owners, but meet the counter staff; they will tell you because they know when the last controlled goods were received.

"When the staff themselves report a supply issue, it's clear that there's something fishy going on.

"After this, I will meet with the manufacturers to report what has happened," he said.