Pas Pengkalan Chepa: "No solidarity gathering for Mohd Amar"

Pas Pengkalan Chepa.

KOTA BHARU - The Pengkalan Chepa Pas has denied that they will be holding a solidarity gathering for former Deputy Menteri Besar Datuk Mohd Amar Abdullah on Tuesday.

This comes after several posters were circulated, inviting supporters to show solidarity with Mohd Amar after he was not appointed as the Kelantan Menteri Besar.


Its secretary, Muhammad Abdul Munib Assyakirin Zakaria, said this contradicts the party's stance.

"We also strongly condemn the malicious attempts intentionally played by certain parties against the Pas Pengkalan Chepa area party and leadership.


"We will not hesitate to take legal action against those irresponsible individuals," he said.

He said the Pengkalan Chepa Pas accepted the decree of Allah with an open heart in the appointments of Kelantan's new Menteri Besar and his Deputy.


He said he congratulated Datuk Mohd Nassuruddin Daud on his appointment as the Menteri Besar and Datuk Dr Mohamed Fadzli Hassan as the Deputy.

Muhammad Abdul Munib said that the Pengkalan Chepa Pas is confident in the abilities and wisdom of both figures in carrying out their responsibilities to govern the state fairly, responsibly, and wisely.
