Pas urged to implement hudud law after winning state elections

Wan Ahmad Nizam

KEMAMAN - Pas Terengganu has been urged to fulfill its promise of implementing hudud law in the state, following its landslide victory in the recent state elections.

Kemaman Umno division deputy chief Datuk Wan Ahmad Nizam Wan Abdul Hamid said that Pas should now implement hudud law as it has achieved its goal of winning 32 state seats.


"Pas has been talking about hudud law for a long time, and now that they have won the state elections, they should fulfill their promise.

"I urge the Pas government to enact hudud law in Terengganu," he told reporters here yesterday.


Previously, the state government had said that Terengganu is ready to fully implement hudud law if the Private Member's Bill 355 (RUU 355) is passed in Parliament.

Terengganu's Exco for Shariah Implementation, Education, and Higher Learning, Satiful Bahri Mamat, said that this implementation is not impossible as the Shariah Criminal Offences (Hudud and Qisas) Enactment was gazetted in the Terengganu State Legislative Assembly since 2002.


RUU 355 was introduced when Marang MP, Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang presented a private member's bill to amend the Sharia Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (Act 355) to enhance the jurisdiction of Sharia Courts over offenses under Sharia law.

During the Terengganu State Legislative Assembly session on Dec 1 last year, amendments to the Terengganu Sharia Criminal Offences (Takzir) Enactment 2022 were passed to strengthen the implementation of Sharia law in the state.


The amendments objective was to enhance the Terengganu Sharia Criminal Offences (Takzir) Enactment 2001 and included the addition of four new sections and 21 amendments to existing sections.