Al-Azhar graduate Pas warlord next Kelantan MB?

Nassuruddin, a graduate of Al Azhar University in Egypt is Kelantan Pas information chief and is known as Kelantan Pas warlord. - Facebook

KOTA BHARU - Kelantan Pas Commissioner Meranti assemblyman Datuk Nassuruddin Daud is speculated to be the next Kelantan menteri besar after the Islamic party won state elections on Aug 12.

Nassuruddin, a graduate of Al Azhar University in Egypt and serves as Kelantan Pas information chief is known as "Kelantan Pas warlord."

A source said he may replace Datuk Ahmad Yakob as the state menteri besar.

Sources have indicated that a letter from Pas President Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang has nominated several candidates for the top seat and was presented to Sultan Muhammad around 11am today.

Nassuruddin previously held the position of Islamic development, da'wah, information and regional relations committee chairman. He is also recognised as an outspoken and influential figure among Pas leaders during ceramah.


Meanwhile, sources have also indicated that Temangan assemblyman Datuk Mohamed Fadzli Hassan may assume the role of deputy menteri besar.

Fadzli was previously the human development, education, higher education, science, and technology committee chairman.

The announcement on the state line up is expected to take place at Istana Balai Besar at 3pm tomorrow. - AWANI