Don't vote based on superficial images or social media impressions - Deputy Minister

Saraswathy Kandasami (middle)

PETALING JAYA - Deputy Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives Minister Saraswathy Kandasami has urged voters to make informed decisions in the upcoming elections, and not to be swayed by superficial images or social media impressions.

Saraswathy said that it is important to verify the backgrounds and track records of politicians before casting a vote.


"We should not vote for someone just because they look good on social media or because they have a lot of followers.

"We need to make sure that we are voting for someone who is competent and who has the best interests of the country at heart," she told a press conference yesterday.


Saraswathy said that she is confident that the current government is on the right track and that it is working hard to improve the lives of Malaysians.

"We have a plan to transform the country and to make Malaysia a more prosperous and inclusive society. We need your support to make this happen," she said.


Saraswathy also said that she is committed to serving the people of Malaysia and that she will continue to work hard to improve their lives.

"I am not in politics for myself. I am in politics to serve the people.


"I believe that together, we can make Malaysia a better place," she said.