‘BN very supportive during my campaign, walkabouts’ – DAP’s Lim

Photo: Lim Siew Khim official Facebook page

JELUTONG - Sungai Pinang candidate Lim Siew Khim today expresses her appreciation for Barisan Nasional (BN) for helping her to campaign for the upcoming state polls.

Lim, who is also the incumbent Sungai Pinang assemblyman said that the people of the party had been very supportive and had constantly helped her during election campaigns.


"We appreciate the formation of the unity government during 15th General Election and it is now our turn to ensure that the unity government not only remains at the federal level but also the state level.

"I am also happy that BN has been very supportive of me and is with me when I go on the walkabouts and talks.


"This is the true spirit and direction of a trusted coalition," she told Sinar Daily.

When asked about the response and support she received from the Malay community, Lim said that the Malays had always been supportive of her work.


"A lot of my on-ground programmes are based on being inclusive. Not just in terms of gender but also in terms of age and people from various backgrounds," she said.

Commenting further, Lim shared one of the programmes where she succeeded in helping the community in PPR Jalan Sungai, where they made the neighbourhood cleaner and safer now, eventhough the process took longer to see the outcome.


"One programme that I was involved was the transformation of PPR Jalan Sungai. It took a few years to see the transformation.

"Compared to years back, this community is now cleaner, safer and more harmonious. We used the methodology Gender Responsive and Participatory Budgeting (GRPB): The Penang Model and we have seen a significant community empowerment taking place," she said, adding that such programme was successful by ensuring no one is left behind.

Recently, Sinar Daily reported that DAP's RSN Rayer echoed the same view and expressed his gratitude towards unity government's component party, BN for their sincerity.

The Jelutong MP felt more appreciative of the "red and blue" coalition after seeing the fate of Gerakan President Datuk Dominic Lau in Perikatan Nasional (PN) who was reportedly asked to leave the PN mega talk after showing up without being invited.

The issue, however, had been resolved and the coalition said the whole situation took place because there was a misunderstanding and lack of communication between parties.