Early Voting: Pasir Puteh police personnel achieve 100 per cent voter turnout

Zaizul Rizal (right) showing his inked finger to officers and personnel as the first person to vote on the early polling day at 8.05 am at Pasir Puteh IPD

PASIR PUTEH: A total of 258 or 100 per cent of personnel from the Pasir Puteh District Police Headquarters here turned up vote during the early polling day today.

Among them, the Limbongan State Assembly constituency had the highest voter turnout with 212 individuals, followed by Semerak (27), Gaal (14) and Selising (5).

The Pasir Puteh District Police Chief Superintendent Zaizul Rizal Zakaria was the first official to cast his vote at 8.05am.

In an interview, he confirmed 100 per cent tparticipation of the personnel to vote.

"There has been no reports of sick leave or the like.

"Thankfully, by 7:45am, officers and personnel had already formed lines to carry out this responsibility," he said.
