Fitness trainer sets MBOR record for longest non-stop cardio workout

A fitness trainer, Dr K. Jey Prabakaran, carved his name in the Malaysia Book of Records (MBOR) for the 'Longest Non-Stop Cardio Workout Session' category after exercising for 12 hours non-stop. - Facebook

KUALA LUMPUR - A fitness trainer, Dr K. Jey Prabakaran, carved his name in the Malaysia Book of Records (MBOR) for the 'Longest Non-Stop Cardio Workout Session' category after exercising for 12 hours non-stop.

His success also put his name in the Influencer Book of World Records after doing various cardio exercises and weight lifting for 12 hours.


Jey, 26, who hails from Kuala Lipis, Pahang achieved the feat on July 23 at a gym in Temerloh, Pahang, while the record recognition ceremony was held yesterday.

The fitness trainer came up with the idea to set the record because he wanted to achieve something in the field, after winning several bodybuilding competitions before.


"I am very proud of this achievement after 10 years of being involved in bodybuilding activities. I hope this success will inspire more young people to pursue their dreams regardless of the challenges they face," he said when contacted.

He said the record attempt was supposed to be made in April, but had to be postponed until last month due to several injuries he suffered, including in the abdomen which have not yet recovered.


"To achieve this record, I did exercises such as crossfits, running on the treadmill, cycling, lifting weights such as dumbells, barbells and machines. I can only take eight minute breaks to go to the bathroom.

"If I need food and drink, I take it while exercising," he said, adding that he wanted to undergo treatment for his injuries after this. - BERNAMA
