Student's phone snatched, thrown on the road before being hit by assailant

Screenshots of the video that went viral.

KAJANG - A female student went through a harrowing experience when her phone was snatched and smashed on the road by an assailant before being hit with a book near a private college on Thursday.

Kajang district police chief Assistant Commissioner Mohd Zaid Hassan said the 20-year-old victim was with her friend in the 2pm incident.


"The victim was approached by a local woman, 51, asking to borrow the victim's mobile phone on the pretext of calling her son.

"However, the victim refused as she was doing an assignment. This angered the suspect, prompting her to snatch the phone and smash it on the road," he said in a statement on Saturday.


He said the suspect's actions damaged the victim's mobile phone.

"The victim demanded the suspect to take responsibility and followed her into a convenience shop to solve the problem. But the suspect then acted aggressively by hitting the victim's face with a book," he said.


Mohd Zaid said a team of police arrived at the scene and asked the suspect to head to the nearby police station for further action.

"The victim recorded both incidents and shared them on social media, where the clips went viral.


"The suspect, a local woman, was later arrested and remanded for further investigation," he said.

Mohd Zaid said the case is being investigated under Sections 427 and 324 of the Penal Code.

On Saturday, a video went viral on social media showing a woman grabbing a student's cell phone before throwing it onto the road.