Umno faces trust deficit and diminished influence in Selangor, experts warn

Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi - FILE PIX

SHAH ALAM - Umno is facing challenges in its political landscape, as it grapples with a trust deficit and diminishing influence in Selangor.

According to Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Political Science Professor Datuk Dr Jayum Anak Jawan Umno has come to terms with the reality that it no longer represents the Malay community as it did in the past.


'The decision by Umno to contest only 12 seats indicates a lack of preparedness to fully regain control of Selangor, he added.

"Even if Umno were to win all 12 seats, it would still be far from its former strength in the state.


"This has led to the conclusion that Umno's political influence in Selangor has significantly declined, and it no longer holds the same significance or presence it once had in the eyes of the people," Jayum told Sinar Daily.

Meanwhile, Institute of Ethnic Studies (KITA) Professor Datuk Dr Shamsul Amri Baharuddin said he believed that Umno is struggling with a significant trust deficit, which extends beyond specific electoral seats and stems from a perceived lack of confidence in the party leadership, particularly under the tenure of its leader Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.


The issues surrounding Zahid's leadership have given rise to a growing sentiment of skepticism and disillusionment among Umno supporters, who have become increasingly disheartened by what they perceive as flawed decision-making and a failure to effectively address key challenges facing the party and the nation, he added.

"Over time, this trust deficit has deepened and become a pressing concern for Umno, as it has the potential to impact the party's ability to retain the loyalty and support of its core voter base.


"The ramifications of this erosion of trust are further compounded by the rise of rival coalitions, such as Perikatan Nasional (PN) which may attract disenchanted Umno voters seeking alternatives that they perceive as more responsive to their aspirations and concerns.

"Despite efforts to salvage trust and restore confidence in the party's leadership, it appears that Umno faces an uphill battle in convincing its disillusioned voters to transfer their allegiance back to the party," Shamsul said.

Shamsul said that the timing of these efforts is particularly critical, as with each passing day, the window of opportunity to regain the faith of Umno supporters seems to narrow.

In the complex and competitive landscape of Malaysian politics, the ability to rebuild trust is paramount for Umno's electoral prospects.

A failure to address this trust deficit comprehensively could potentially lead to significant electoral setbacks and hinder the party's ability to effectively contribute to the nation's governance and policymaking.

"The road to redemption for Umno lies in embarking on a proactive and transparent path of leadership renewal, where the party acknowledges past shortcomings and demonstrates a genuine commitment to reforms and addressing the concerns of its constituents.

"Only through concerted efforts to bridge the trust deficit and strengthen its bond with its voter base can Umno hope to regain its political footing and reaffirm its relevance in the nation's ever-evolving political landscape." he said