Four arrested in Kota Bharu over 'Ah Long' activities

Four arrested in Kota Bharu over 'Ah Long' activities - for illustration purpose
KOTA BHARU - The police have picked up four people - two males and two females - on suspicion of engaging in unlicensed money-lending (Ah Long) activities.

Kelantan Police Chief Datuk Muhamad Zaki Harun said the suspects, aged between 19 and 35, were arrested in this town last Wednesday during the ‘Op Vulture’ operation by officers and personnel of the Kelantan Commercial Crime Investigation Department.

"During the operation, our men came across the two male suspects, both aged 19, at a bank here and checks revealed that they were allegedly involved in unlicensed money-lending activities,” he told a press conference at the Kelantan Police Headquarters, here.

Their arrests led to the two female suspects, aged 19 and 35, being picked up at two other locations, he said.

The police seized RM44,740 in cash, 26 bank ATM cards, 46 cash withdrawal transaction receipts, four mobile phones and various other documents, he said.

Muhamad Zaki said it was learned that the suspects made cash withdrawals from the bank accounts of their victims on payday.

He said the case is being investigated under Section 5(2) of the Moneylenders Act 1951.

The act provides for anyone lending money without a valid licence to be fined RM250,000 to RM1 million or given a jail term of up to five years or both upon conviction. - BERNAMA