Racial tensions may persist unless DAP stops divisive statements, says MCA's Ti

Ti Lian Ker

SHAH ALAM - MCA vice-president says racial tensions will persist until DAP stops making polemic political promises based on the 3R issue to the Chinese and Indian communities.

Datuk Seri Ti Lian Ker further said those who read DAP statements know there are a lot of empty promises from the party as it will filled with racial statements.

"It is racial and they mainly touch on quota and privileges and 3R (race, religion, royalty) issues," he told Sinar Daily.

He said some of their statements may have been removed it from their website.

The senator further said the dynamic nature of politics, stating that both DAP and Pas are dominant parties in their respective coalitions (PH-BN and PN) and strive to maintain and radicalise their support base.

Ti said Pas tends to soften its stance on race once in government while DAP remains a dominant party.

He also cited Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as an example, noting how his approach fluctuated between radical and moderate stand depending on his position as prime minister.

"For example Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad when he was not the prime minister he was radical with the Malay dilemma. When he is the prime minister he was moderate but when he is not prime minister again he is radical,” Ti said.
