S'gor Madani election machinery launch: M'sians ask for clean and fair state polls

Retiree Michael (left), student Nur Adila Rosmi, (center) Imran Mohamad Qabil (right)

BANGI - Malaysians have expressed their aspiration for the Madani government to be more open and conduct a clean and fair election.

Azlina Ramli, 65, hoped the Madani government would increase the number of hospitals and facilities for Malaysians.


"I expect the Madani government to be more open and transparent," she told Sinar Daily at the Madani Unity Tour and Selangor Unity Machinery Launch.

Commenting further, student at the Teachers Education Institute (IPG), Nur Adila Rosmi, 19, hoped the education system was more empowered.


"As an IPG student, teachers in education should also be recognised in Malaysia.

"I hope Malaysia will be peaceful as well, without any issues from the aspect of race and religion.


"I hope for better unity and peace," she expressed.

Selangor Advance Strategic Intern Imran Mohamad Qabil, 24, hoped the next state election would be fair.


"I hope it will be fair for everyone and for every religion so that they can live in harmony," he added.

Meanwhile, Michael, 66, who is retired, hoped for fair elections to be conducted.

He also urged voters to vote wisely.