Taking care of your child's safety during the festive season

Parents should also be aware of their surroundings, and should keep and eye out for any suspicious behaviour or individuals around your child - BERNAMA
SHAH ALAM : Hari Raya is definitely a joyful time of the year, but its also the time of the year when you need to be extra-cautious when out and about with your children.

Yayasan Chow Kit founder Datuk Dr Hartini Zainudin recently shared some do's and don'ts to ensure your child's safety during the festive season.

" First it is important to educate your child, teach your child about good touch, bad touch, and private parts of the body. Explain to them that it is important to tell an adult immediately if anyone touches them inappropriately," she said

Child experts say that a child can be taught about this as early as 2 years of age when they can start identifying the parts of their body. By the age of 5 years, the child should be able to understand good and bad touch in a comprehensive manner.

Hartini said it was also important to teach your child about boundaries.

Set clear boundaries for your child and teach them to say "No" when someone tries to cross that boundary.

" Parents can also implement a buddy system, encourage your child to always be with a trusted friend or family member when outside the home or at social events."

She said communication was also important and it was crucial to check in regularly with your child and ask them about their day or any concerns that they might have.

She added that parents should also be aware of their surroundings, and should keep and eye out for any suspicious behaviour or individuals around your child.

As for the don'ts, she said to not ever leave your child unattended, and always keep an eye on your child when they are in public spaces or with new people.

"Don't ignore warning signs either, if your child tells you about uncomfortable experiences, take it seriously and address it immediately."

Hartini went on to explain that one of the biggest don'ts is to share personal information.

Teach your child to never share personal information with strangers or online contacts, including their name, phone number, or address.

Parents should not rely solely on technology to keep in touch or monitor your child's activities.

Most importantly don't shrug off your instincts.

"If something doesn't feel right, trust your instincts and intervene to ensure your child's safety," she stressed.

Hartini said she hoped that her tips would be helpful in helping to keep your child safe during the festive season.

She reminded parents and caretakes that staying vigilant and communicating with your child are key in preventing child abuse and keeping your child from harm.