Mount Kinabalu summit icy once again

Ice flakes and crystals are found around the summit area of ​​Mount Kinabalu.

KOTA KINABALU - The summit area of ​​Mount Kinabalu was once again reported to record below freezing temperatures early Friday morning.

It was reported that the temperature recorded was between -3 and -5 degrees celsius and occurred from 2.30am to 7am with a humidity of 17 per cent.


According to a statement from Sabah Parks (TTS) on the official Facebook page, the freeze occurred in the Panalaban Sub Station Complex area, Kinabalu Park up to the top of Mount Kinabalu.

"The granite rock surface was smooth due to ice freezing," the statement said on Friday night.

Ice flakes and crystals are found around the summit area of ​​Mount Kinabalu.


The statement also advises mountain climbers to always be careful while doing climbing activities to ensure that it is safe and under control.

"Cases of acute mountain syndrome (AMS) easily occur in relatively cold weather conditions, but no cases of emergencies or accidents have been reported," it said.


In the photo shared, it also shows pieces and ice crystals found around the top of Mount Kinabalu.